PRO-VE 2023

24th IFIP / Socolnet Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises

Valencia, Spain

27-29 Sep 2023

Resilient and Responsible Collaborative Networks

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Trends in Industry 5.0 and Society 5.0 place the emphasis on human-centric systems and the need to address societal challenges in a responsible way. Instead of purely technocentric or even business-centric approaches that have characterized most past developments, we need a balanced approach between “automation” and human/society involvement contributing to well-being.

On the other hand, we live in an era with more and more disruptive events, including natural and human-caused ones, which demands systems with a high degree of resilience. As frequent disruptive events become the “new normal”, we need advanced forms of transformative resilience and even antifragility. In other words, how to design and manage collaborative ecosystems that can strive and become better throughout a sequence of attacks/disruptions.

PRO-VE 2023 aims to analyze and discuss the contribution of Collaborative Networks to these challenges and to identify how these challenges can influence our research agenda.

Important Dates

Countdown to Pro-ve 2023

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00Seconds

Proceedings to be published by Springer, IFIP AICT series, submitted to be indexed by Scopus, Web of Science, and DBLP.

Evaluation of papers is double-blind and based on full text, considering original scientific and technological contribution. However, prospective authors should also submit a short abstract to the conference in advance, in order to check if the proposed topic fits within the conference scope.


Universitat Politècnica de Valencia

Universitat Politècnica de Valencia or UPV is a Spanish public university based in Valencia. The UPV is organized into nine higher technical schools, two faculties and two higher polytechnic schools, which are responsible for organizing the teaching of 39 degrees, and has 42 departments and 41 research centers and institutes.

It is the main campus of the UPV, and where the congress will be held, is located north of the city of Valencia, in Camí de Vera, between the exit of the A-7 highway towards Catalonia (Actual V-21) and the sea, which is very close. It occupies a plot of 558,306 m² on which are distributed several buildings that house 462,848 m² of built surface in various heights.

PRO-VE 2023 aims to analyze and discuss the contribution of Collaborative Networks to these challenges and to identify how these challenges can influence our research agenda.

General chair


Angel Ortiz

Professor at the Universitat Politècnica de València

Program chair


Luis Camarinha-Matos

Professor at NOVA University of Lisbon

Program co-chair

Xavier Boucher

Professor at École des Mines de Saint-Étienne
